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Holy Mary, Pray For Us

Updated: May 30

During a homily several years ago, Monsignor Dolan, former pastor of St. Michael’s Church, asked the Saturday night congregation how they would respond to the question, “Who are you?” (The gospel that weekend was Matthew 16:15, “Who do you say that I am?”). Monsignor asked for several responses, and people called out: a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer, a Catholic, a Christian, an American, and so forth. For me, my immediate thought was “I am a mother.” Of all the things that “I Am,” being a mother is most precious to me.

During the month of May, we look to Mary, who is our model of perfection. From her humble beginnings, she, without hesitation, said “Yes” to God and became the mother of Jesus and our mother as well. As mothers, we turn to Mary when we are fearful and confused, and she gently provides us with guidance and comfort. She reassures us when we make mistakes and gives us courage in the difficult job of parenting. When we look at all that Mary endured, we know that our challenges are few in comparison, but Mary is always willing to walk with us on our journey if we only reach out and ask.

This week, our school will gather for our annual May Crowning celebration, led by students in Grades 2 and 8. This beautiful event pays homage to Mary, and our students not only honor Mary and thank her for her sacrifices, but they are also encouraged to turn to Mary when they need an advocate. Our Kindergarten students also participate in a more intimate prayer devotion when they bring flowers to Mary’s shrine in the church courtyard.

Our Catholic faith is rooted not only in Scripture, but also in Tradition, and hopefully the paraliturgical celebrations the students experience throughout the school year will take root and be remembered long after they leave the safety of our community. By teaching our students that in addition to our Heavenly Father, and Jesus, His Son, there are a multitude of saints – Mary most revered – to whom they can turn in times of sorrow and joy. 

I encourage you to display a picture or a statue of Mary in your home this month, adorned by some flowers, and place your intentions in her loving care – she is more than happy to intercede on our behalf. I also encourage you to pray Mary’s Magnificat, as found in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, or listen to the beautiful prayer depicted in the video, Holy Is His Name, below.

In Mission, Kathy


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