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I'm So Blessed

Greetings to everyone on the start of another great school year, and a very warm welcome to all of our new students and families! We pray that you will find a nurturing and caring environment, and that you will make many lifelong friends during your time at St. Michael’s School. A new school year is exciting not only for students but for our faculty and staff as well. We are eager to share with our students our love for learning, and to help them discover and develop their God-given talents.

This morning, we gathered together in the gym as an entire school community for our Quarter 1 Prayer Service. Our Student Leadership Team, consisting of Student Council and Mercy Corps, introduced our theme song for the year, “I’m so Blessed.” The message of the song is that we are blessed not only on good days, but on bad days as well. It is easy to count our blessings when everything is going well, but it is very important to also remember that we are loved by God, and we are abundantly blessed, even when it seems as if everything is going wrong.

Our Leadership Team also shared our faith focus for the year, which will be The Corporal Works of Mercy: Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Sick, Shelter the Homeless, Clothe the Naked, Visit the Imprisoned, and Bury the Dead. Throughout the year, our school community will join together in Partner Classes, and will participate in service projects to show our love for others who are less fortunate and to grow in our faith.

I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming Back-to-School Nights, where teachers will

have the opportunity to outline the curricular goals and expectations for the year. We will also provide you with updates on community events, campus projects, and fundraisers.

In 1 Corinthians 13:13 Paul writes, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Let us all be committed to demonstrating love, kindness, compassion, and patience in the year ahead.

In Mission, Kathy


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