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In Loving Memory of Alexandra Toth

“Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God:

I will strengthen you, I will help you,

I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

Last Friday, we joyously celebrated the birthday of our Blessed Mother, Mary. Tragically, last Friday was also the day when we said goodbye to Alexandra Toth, alumna of the St. Michael’s School, Class of 2021, and a Junior at Cathedral Catholic High School, who died suddenly. We take comfort in knowing that our Blessed Mother, on her birthday, lovingly scooped Alex up and gently carried her to the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Death is difficult at any age, but when a young and vibrant and beautiful creature leaves us, we cannot help but be in shock. Alex was all of those things and more. Her teachers describe her as a stellar student and a gifted athlete, but more importantly, she was so very kind and compassionate in her interactions with others. Alex was also passionate about animals, and often asked her mom to pick up strays. For her Civil War Journal Project in eighth grade, she chose to write in the voice of Clara Barton (founder of the American Red Cross), which demonstrated her devotion to service and care in helping others. A leader among her peers, Alex was President of Student Council and co-captain of the soccer team. Her smile was infectious, and it was extended to everyone. She touched the lives of so many of us in such a positive way, and we are all so very blessed to have been affected by her goodness.

As a St. Michael’s School community, I call on you to keep Alex’s family – her parents Alison and Chris, and her twin brother, Aidan - close in prayer as they navigate this unimaginable loss. When Aidan was in third grade, he won “Principal for the Day.” One of the “perks” of the job was to enjoy a special lunch treat with two of his classmates. I was very surprised and moved when he chose Alex to be one of his lunch dates. The bond between the two was inseparable.

We also pray for the students of the SMS, Class of 2021. They experienced their eighth-grade year in full COVID mode: self-contained classrooms, Plexiglass barriers, social distancing, face masks, and more. Even though they lost out on many normal experiences, they became fiercely close as they bonded during the pandemic. They are struggling to understand and accept the loss of their friend, and your prayers are needed for them as well.

Alex always saw the best in others. She loved the SMS community and we loved her. We will lift Alex up in prayer on Friday as our school community fondly remembers Alex’s gifts and contributions. Students and staff in Grades 4-8 will gather in the gym at 11:00 AM to pray a Rosary, and students and staff in Grades K-3 will pray a decade of the Rosary in their classrooms.

In Mission,



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