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Spreading Easter Joy

It was wonderful to be back on campus today after our 10-day vacation. The sun was shining, and all our students and staff spent a good part of the morning outside watching the solar eclipse! Everyone was buzzing, excited, and happy – as we should be because it is Eastertide! Did you know that Easter isn’t just one day, it’s a whole Season: The 50 days between Easter and Pentecost, where scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit descended on the Apostles. As we rejoice in the Risen Christ, it is a time to be Fearless, to be Joyful, and to be Renewed

We all have crosses to bear and challenges to face, and it is not possible to be happy all the time. But in the end, we must remember we are a Resurrection people. Christ died on the cross, but he overcame that challenge and rose from the dead. Similarly, just as the moon passed over the sun and (in some places) propelled the world into momentary darkness, it was fleeting, and the sun shone strong again. So, too, will our challenges be fleeting. We just have to try to embrace them and be Fearless, knowing they will pass.

It might take a little work to be Joyful but it is certainly contagious. I’m sure you can all think of a person – a friend or a relative – who is bubbly and fun. It is much more pleasant to be around someone who is happy and positive than someone who is grumpy and always complaining. When we are around people that are joyful, it lifts our spirits, and when we are joyful, we are helping someone else be happy. 

Being Renewed also requires a little effort. We cannot always expect others to renew us; rather, we have to work at it by consciously doing things that fulfill us. For me, it is digging in the dirt and planting (which I did a lot of over the break!); for others it might be exercising, reading, praying, or going to the beach. Everyone needs to find the thing that helps them fill their bucket. When we are renewed, we are much more likely to be fearless and joyful.

Our students should also learn to practice being fearless, joyful, and renewed. These life-long traits will help them navigate the ups and downs they will face as they grow and mature. May the Joy of the Risen Christ shine brightly on all of us during this Easter Season. Alleluia, Alleluia.

In Mission,



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