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Start the Day With Prayer

Last week at Back-to-School-Night for the upper grades, I spoke briefly about the rising levels of anxiety and depression that we are noticing among our students. This may be the remnants of the pandemic, or it may be sparked by the excessive amount of time our children are spending on social media. I also shared with the parents in attendance about a recent Pew Research survey, which indicated people who have a strong faith life are much more likely to be happy than those who do not.

The three pillars of a St. Michael’s School education are FAITH, KNOWLEDGE, and CHARACTER. Each week, teachers and staff will focus on one of the components of each pillar. This week, we emphasize the importance of developing and fostering a relationship with God. God has blessed each of us with gifts and talents, for our own personal benefit, as well as for the benefit of others. By talking to God regularly, and establishing a friendship with Him, he will guide us on our journey and bless us infinitely. But how do we help our students develop and foster this relationship?

First, it is important to talk to God every day in prayer – at least once first thing in the morning, and at the end of the day before we go to sleep. There are many times throughout the day that are great for a quick check-in as well. It is also helpful to set a regular time and place to meet with God each day, to sit in a moment of silence and just “listen” to Him. Every day we should thank God for the blessings He has given us. The more we think about being grateful, the less we focus on what we might be lacking or wishing for. God also wants us to ask Him for help when we need it – when we are afraid, sad, or anxious. He will give us the grace to push through our fears. Spending time reading or listening to scripture is also a great way to strengthen our relationship with God, and there are so many resources and apps available to help us. Finally, we should try to watch and listen to things that bring us closer to God, and be cautious about things that drive us away from Him.

While we will be guiding our students to nurture their Faith at school, it is important that you, as parents, model this for your children at home as well. United, we can help them not only to achieve success academically, but to also be happy, less anxious, and pave their path to heaven.

In Mission, Kathy


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