Welcome back to the start of another exciting school year. I will continue sending out my Monday “Note from the Principal,” sharing with you my reflections pertaining to topics such as education, faith, or current events. It is my hope that my words will resonate with you at some point during the year. As much as I enjoy putting my thoughts down on paper, I would also be very interested in hearing your ideas and opinions on these topics, as well as any other suggestions related to school. As a Catholic community, we are united in a common Mission, and as Paul indicates in Romans 12:5, we are many members that form one body – St. Michael’s School. We each need to have a voice in ensuring this body is prosperous and successful.

To that end, I am inviting you to join Mrs. Poling and me in an informal monthly gathering, Coffee with the Administrators. Our first get-together will be on Wednesday, September 20, at 8:05 AM in the Galaxie Room in the Holy Family Center. Look for a complete schedule in Messenger on Friday. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions, provide feedback, or offer your ideas. It is also a chance for us to get to know one another a bit better as we journey together as partners in the education of your children.

I look forward to an exceptional year ahead.

In Mission,

Kathleen Mock